Bayer HealthCare AG Apps

Jayapp 1.0
Bayer HealthCare AG
App per ginecologi – training su inserimentosistemi intrauterini per contraccezione.Jayapp è un’applicazione che consente allo specialista inginecologia di ricevere un training completo sull’inserimento deisistemi intrauterini contraccettivi al levonorgestrel.Si compone di 3 parti: una prima parte comprensiva delle istruzionidettagliate di inserimento; una seconda che consente di effettuareun’esercitazione pratica e guidata di inserimento ed, infine, unaterza parte che rimanda al sito web che contienealtre informazioni approfondite sul tema.App for gynecologists -training on insertion systems for intrauterine contraception.Jayapp is an application that allows the specialist in gynecologyto receive a complete training on the integration of systemsintrauterine contraceptive levonorgestrel.It consists of 3 parts: the first part includes detailedinstructions for insertion; a second that allows you to make apractical exercise and guided insertion and, finally, a third partthat refers to the website that contains otherin-depth information on the topic.
Pill Reminder 2.2
Bayer HealthCare AG
Pill ReminderRemembering to take your pill on time is now much easier with thenew Pill Reminder!The app discretely reminds you daily to take your pill.Including:- Daily reminder- Choice of time of reminder- Keeps count of remaining pills per cycle- Takes pill-free days into account- Suitable for pills taken 21 or 28 days per cycle- Advice on what to do if you forget to take your pill
Oncology Summit 2015 1.2
Bayer HealthCare AG
Oncology Summit 2015 supported by Bayer is oneof its kind conference addressed by International thought leaders.This Summit focusses on the “Latest Advances in the management ofpatients with advanced cancers and the critical role ofMultidisciplinary teams in patient care”. It provides a platformfor the physicians to get updated about the impact of recentclinical developments in treatment and monitoring of mCRPC. Thethree day summit promises to be engaging and different withinteractive Clinical case studies, Meet-the-expert discussions,Workshops, Plenary discussions and more.
Baytril Solução – Dosagens 1.0.4
Bayer HealthCare AG
Aplicativo desenvolvido pela Unidade de Aves eSuínos da Bayer Saúde Animal para auxiliar os produtores de aves acalcular a dosagem correta de Baytril® Solução para suagranja.
Folate Mixer 1.0
Bayer HealthCare AG
Folate Mixer is an application thatcommunicates through game mechanics the health benefits of folateespecially for women and the consequent needs to achieve therecommended intake on a daily basis. The main element of the gamearea is a mixer placed at the bottom of the screen. Vegetables,fruits andnon-food objects enter the screen from above, falling toward themixer along different trajectories. The user is requested to movethe mixer, by tilting the mobile device, to collect vegetables andfruits and to avoid non-food objects.Folate Mixer is anapplication that communicates through game mechanics the healthbenefits of folate especially for women and the consequent needs toachieve the recommended intake on a daily basis. The main elementof the game area is a mixer placed at the bottom of the screen.Vegetables, fruits andnon-food objects enter the screen from above, falling toward themixer along different trajectories. The user is requested to movethe mixer, by tilting the mobile device, to collect vegetables andfruits and to avoid non-food objects.
Ederal 1.1
Bayer HealthCare AG
La aplicación de cálculo Ederal le ayudará a hacer el cálculo deladosificación de Ederal en su explotación porcina meditantesuadministración directa en tanque de bebida o la administraciónconbomba dosificadora.Los parámetros a usar son similares tanto en uno comoenotro,En la administración directa en tanque de bebida usteddeberáintroducir el Número de animales, Peso medio, Consumo deagua,Medicación en tanque de..., y escoger la Dosis de Ederal entre0,5y 1 ml/100 kg p.v.El primer resultado le dará el Total de Ederal en ml/día yElsegundo resultado los ml/día de Ederal en tanque.En la administración con bomba dosificadora usteddeberáintroducir el Número de animales, Peso medio, Consumo deagua,%Caudal de la bomba, y escoger la Dosis de Ederal entre 0,5 y1ml/100 kg p.v.El primer resultado le dará ml de Ederal en segundo resultadolitrosde agua.Applyingederal calculation will help you calculate the dosage onhis pigfarm ederal meditator direct administration into tank drinkoradministration with metering pump.The parameters to be used are similar both in one andinanother,In direct administration beverage tank you must enter thenumberof animals, average weight, water consumption, Medicationtank ...and choose the dose ederal between 0.5 and 1 ml/100 kgbwThe first result will give the Total ederal in ml / day andthesecond result, ml / day ederal tank.In administering bomb you must enter the number ofanimals,average weight, water consumption,% metering pump flow you,andchoose the dose ederal between 0.5 and 1 ml/100 kg bwThe first result will give ederal ml liters second result.
CRC tools 1.0.12
Bayer HealthCare AG
CRC tools es una herramienta móvil de consultay referencia sobre oncología colorrectal, exclusiva paramédicos.Cuenta con fuentes científicas de referencia en el mundo oncológicoy un contenido preciso y actualizado. Las secciones principalesson:- Vídeos y modelos 3D del cáncer colorrectal.- Clasificaciones AJCC/TNM.- Factores de mal pronóstico.- Principales guías de tratamiento interactivas (ESMO yNCCN).- Apuntes básicos de los criterios RECIST 1.1.- Calculadoras médicas (superfície corporal, IMC, tabla Karnofsky,escala ECOG, clasificación Child-Pugh, calcio corregido,aclaramiento de la creatinina, dosis carboplatino).- Oncomécum de cáncer colorrectal.- Calendario de congresos y eventos de CRC.- Noticias y RSS de las principales revistas oncológicas.La información contenida en esta aplicación está exclusivamentedirigida y reservada a los profesionales sanitarios legalmentefacultados para prescribir o dispensar medicamentos con ejercicioprofesional en España, por lo que se requiere una formaciónespecializada para su correcta interpretación.CRC is a mobile tooltools consultation and referral colorectal oncology, exclusivelyfor physicians.It has scientific sources of reference in the world oncologicaccurate and updated content. The main sections are:- Videos and 3D models of colorectal cancer.- Rankings AJCC / TNM.- Poor prognostic factors.- Major interactive treatment guidelines (ESMO and NCCN).- Basic Notes RECIST 1.1.- Medical Calculators (body surface area, BMI, table Karnofsky,ECOG score, Child-Pugh classification, corrected calcium,creatinine clearance, dose carboplatin).- Oncomécum colorectal cancer.- Calendar of congresses and events of CRC.- News and RSS major oncology journals.The information contained in this application is targeted andreserved exclusively to healthcare professionals legally authorizedto prescribe drugs practice in Spain, so that specialized trainingis required for proper interpretation.
Consenso ACO 1.2
Bayer HealthCare AG
La información contenida en esta aplicaciónestá exclusivamente dirigida y reservada a los profesionalessanitarios legalmente facultados para prescribir o dispensarmedicamentos con ejercicio profesional en España, por lo que serequiere una formación especializada para su correctainterpretación.Aplicación que contiene el consenso publicado por el Grupo deArritmias Cardiacas de la Sociedad Española de Medicina deUrgencias y Emergencias (SEMES) y la Sección de Electrofisiología yArritmias de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (SEC) sobre elManejo de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular en los serviciosde urgencias hospitalarios.Además, contiene herramientas de utilidad para la práctica clínicadel profesional sanitario como calculadoras de las escalas deriesgo CHADS, CHADSVASc y HASBLED, calculadora de función renal einformación del manejo práctico de rivaroxaban.The information containedin this application is directed exclusively reserved to and legallyqualified to prescribe or supply medicinal practice in Spain withhealth professionals, so that specialized training for theircorrect interpretation is required.Application containing the consensus report by the Group of CardiacArrhythmias of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES)and Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias of the Spanish Society ofCardiology (ESC) on the management of patients with atrialfibrillation in emergency departments.It also contains useful tools for clinical practice of healthprofessionals as calculators CHADS risk scales, HASBLED CHADSVAScand calculator, renal function and practical management informationrivaroxaban.
FactorTrack™ (JP) 1.0.0
Bayer HealthCare AG
ファクタートラック™はバイエルヘルスケアによって作成されたアプリで、血友病A患者さんが第Ⅷ因子製剤の輸注記録を簡単にできます。定期補充療法の予定に応じて、輸注する日をお知らせする機能があります。出血時補充療法の方は、出血や輸注時の情報を入力することができます。ファクタートラック™ の特徴:• 決められた予定輸注日を基に、スケジュールをカスタマイズできます• 次の輸注タイミングをアラートする機能を選択することが可能です• 輸注タイミングや輸注量を確認することが可能です• 出血した部位や輸注量の変化を確認することが可能です•過去の輸注記録を確認できます。また、その記録をご自身や主治医などにメールすることが可能です(ご自身のスマホでe-mailの設定が必要です)Factor track ™ is an appthat was created by Bayer HealthCare, hemophilia A patients caneasily record the infusion of the first Ⅷ factor formulation. Hasthe ability to inform the day depending on the schedule ofprophylaxis and infusion. Person of the replacement therapy at thetime of bleeding, you can enter the information at the time ofinfusion and bleeding.Features of track Factor ™:• Based on the scheduled infusion days was determined, you cancustomize the schedule• It is possible to select the function to alert the infusiontiming of the next• It is possible to check the infusion volume and infusiontiming• It is possible to see the changes and the amount of the infusionsite of bleeding• I can confirm the infusion records of the past. In addition, (setof e-mail requires a smartphone your own) can be mail to suchdoctor and your own the record
かた丸くん忍法ナビ 1.0.1
Bayer HealthCare AG
「かた丸くん忍法ナビ」は、AR(拡張現実)アプリです。翼付針やバイエルのロゴマークを認識すると、3Dのかた丸くんがお子さんの手の上にあらわれ、お子さんの注射を励ましてくれます。【アプリの使い方】1.アニメーションの選択「注射しようね」メニューを選択した後、ポップアップ画面が表示されます。翼付針やバイエルのロゴマークを認識して、アニメーションを再生する場合は、「かざして再生」、すぐにアニメーションを再生したい場合は、「ボタンで再生」を選択して下さい。再生するアニメーションを選択いただくと、ARカメラの認識画面に移ります。再生するアニメーションを選択いただくと、ARカメラの認識画面に移ります。2. アニメーションの再生[ ボタンで再生 ]画面右上のかた丸くんマークをタップしてください。アニメーションが再生されます。[ かざして再生 ]お子さんに穿刺した翼付針の針先やバイエルのロゴマークを、画面中央のバツマークに合わせるようにして認識させてください。アニメーションが再生されます。うまく認識されない場合は、画面左上の「もどる」マークを、次の画面では、「トップにもどる」マークをタップしてください。再度、「1.アニメーションの選択」に従い、ポップアップ画面が表示されたら「ボタンで再生」をタップしてください。画面右上のかた丸くんマークをタップするとアニメーションが再生されます。[ 「かざして再生」、「ボタンで再生」を変更したい場合 ]画面左上のもどるマークを、次の画面では、トップにもどるマークをタップしてください。再度、「1.アニメーションの選択」に従って、ポップアップが表示されたら、変更したい再生方法をタップしてください。変更完了です。≪アニメーション≫・忍法パワー充電の術画面上をかた丸くんが八の字に走り回った後、針先(画面中央)に入っていく動きをします。・忍法ちどめの術分身したかた丸くんが、出血を止めに向かうように針先(画面中央)に向かって飛んでいく動きをします。・忍法にんにんにっこりの術かた丸くんが「もう少しの辛抱でござる」と、おもしろい顔をしてお子さんを勇気づけてくれます。【ご利用における注意事項】・翼付針を認識するプログラムは、バイエルで使用している翼付針を認証するよう、作成されています。・翼付針は形状、光の具合などに影響されるため、認識されない場合があります。・翼付針のほか、バイエルのロゴマークなどを認識し、アニメーションを再生することができます。・Android版アプリではアニメーション再生時、かざしているカメラ背景や対象物から大きくずらすとアニメーションが止まる事があります。The "round-kun ninjahardness Navi", AR is the (augmented reality) app. When it isrecognized logo of Bayer and winged needle, 3D Nokata round-kunappeared on the hand of a child, I encourage the injection of thechildren.[How to use the app]1. Selection of animationAfter you select the menu, "I try to injection", pop-up screenappears.If you recognize the logo of Bayer and winged needle, to play theanimation, if you "play held up", you want to play the animationimmediately, select the "play button". And if select the animationto play, to move to the recognition of the AR camera screen. And ifselect the animation to play, to move to the recognition of the ARcamera screen.Playback of 2. AnimationPlay on ButtonPlease tap the round-kun mark person at the top right of thescreen. Animation is played.The Play held up]Please let me recognize so as to match the Batsumaku the center ofthe screen, the logo of Bayer and the needle tip of the wingedneedle was punctured your child. Animation is played.If it is not recognized well, in the next screen, please tap "backto top" the mark, "return" the mark of the upper left corner of thescreen.Again, in accordance with the "selection of 1. Animation", pleasetap the "play button" pop-up screen appears. Animation is playedwhen you tap the round-kun mark person at the top right of thescreen.[If you want to change "play held up", "Play button"]On the next screen, please tap the mark Back to the top, the markBack of the upper left corner of the screen. Again, as described inthe "Selecting one. Animation", pop-up appears, please tap theplayback method you want to change. Change is complete.«Animation»· Art of ninja power chargeAfter the hardness round-kun was running around in figure-eight onthe screen, I want movement going into the area in the centerneedle tip.· Art of ninja ChidomeThe N rounded person who was alter ego, but a movement that flytoward the needle tip in the center of the screen to face to stopthe bleeding.· Art of ninja smile Nin'ninThe "bamboo basket a little more patience", hardness round-kuntakes care of encouraging your child with a funny face.[Notes on available]• In order to authenticate the winged needle being used by Bayer, aprogram that recognizes winged needle was created.· To be influenced by the degree and shape of the light, it may notbe recognized winged needle.· In addition to the winged needle, you will be able to recognizeand logo of Bayer, to play the animation.· There is a thing that animation stops and is shiftedsignificantly from the object and camera animation backgroundplayback, has held up the Android version of the app.
Manejo paciente DE 1.1
Bayer HealthCare AG
Curso de Manejo del paciente condisfuncióneréctil (de la teoría a la práctica clínica).Dirigido en exclusiva a médicos. Su objetivo es poneradisposición del médico de Atención Primaria y del especialistaunaaplicación digital interactiva que le permita potenciarsushabilidades en el abordaje práctico de la DE.- Evaluar el estado de sus pacientes (motivar y mostrarlaimportancia de la DE).- Interpretar la información que proporcionan la exploraciónfísicay las exploraciones complementarias.- Valorar los riesgos del paciente.- Plantear las adecuadas técnicas de diagnóstico en elmomentooportuno.- Detectar la DE, tratarla de manera adecuada, y preveniraquellasenfermedades a las que la DE enmascara.La información contenida en esta aplicación estáexclusivamentedirigida y reservada a los profesionales sanitarioslegalmentefacultados para prescribir o dispensar medicamentos conejercicioprofesional en España, por lo que se requiere unaformaciónespecializada para su correcta interpretación.Course Managementofpatients with erectile dysfunction (from theory toclinicalpractice).Directed exclusively to doctors. Its aim is to providetheprimary care physician and specialist digitalinteractiveapplication that allows enhance their skills in thepracticalapproach of ED.- Assess the status of their patients (motivate and showtheimportance of DE).- To interpret the information provided by physical examinationandlaboratory investigations.- Assess the risks of the patient.- Asking the right diagnostic techniques at the right time.- Detect ED, properly treat and prevent diseases to which theDEmasks.The information contained in this application isexclusivelyaddressed and restricted to legally qualified toprescribe orsupply medicinal practice in Spain with healthprofessionals, so aspecialized training for proper interpretationis required.
Audio Aspirina 3.0.0
Bayer HealthCare AG
El primer audio que te ayuda a atenuar eldolorde cabezaThe first audio thathelpsyou reduce headache
Rabon Calculator 1.1
Bayer HealthCare AG
Rabon Oral larvicide Calculator can be usedtodetermine daily feeding rates and feed mixing quantities forCattlefeeds containing Rabon Oral Larvicide.
BayCox 1.2
Bayer HealthCare AG
Con esta aplicación podrás calcularfácilmentequé dosis de Baycox debes administrar para combatirlacoccidiosis.
FactorTrack Espana 1.0
Bayer HealthCare AG
FactorTrack™ es una app de usopersonaldiseñada por Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals para ayudar alaspersonas con hemofilia A a mantener un registro de lasinfusionesde Factor VIII. Para aquellos que siguen un régimen deprofilaxis,ofrece un sistema de recordatorios para que acordarse delasinfusiones sea más fácil. Las personas que tienen un tratamientoademanda la pueden utilizar a diario para registrar sus sangradoseinfusiones.
Calculadora Escore ART
Bayer HealthCare AG
A calculadora Escore ART foi desenvolvidaapartir do estudo Sieghart et al.: The ART of DecisionMaking:Retreatment with Transarterial Chemoembolization in PatientswithHepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology 2013;57:2261-2273 quepropõeum algoritmo para avaliar o retratamento comTACE(Quimioembolização transarterial) em pacientes com HCC(CarcinomaHepatocelular).Esta calculadora não substitui uma avaliação completa domédicoresponsável pelo paciente. A Bayer HealthCare reforça que aatençãoclínica individualizada ao paciente é essencial.L.BR.01.2014.1486The calculator ARTscorewas developed from the study Sieghart et al:. The ART ofDecisionMaking: Retreatment with Transarterial ChemoembolizationinPatients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology2013;57:2261-2273 proposes an algorithm for evaluating retreatmentwithTACE (transarterial chemoembolization) in patients withHCC(hepatocellular carcinoma).This calculator does not replace a thorough evaluation ofthephysician responsible for the patient. Bayer HealthCarereinforcesthe individualized clinical care to the patient isessential.L.BR.01.2014.1486
Antykoncepcja dlugoterminowa 1.0
Bayer HealthCare AG
Trening zakładania systemuwewnątrzmacicznegosłużącego do antykoncepcji długoterminowej.Używana przezprzedstawicieli medycznych. Możliwa do instalacji naiPadachlekarzy po zaznajomieniu się z techniką zakładania.Practicesettingintrauterine system used for long-term contraception. Usedbymedical representatives. Possible to install on iPads doctorsifyou are familiar with the technique of planting.
BayerBBS 1.0.2
Bayer HealthCare AG
Aplicación que tiene como objetivo informaryayudar a los productores del sector porcino aconocer los riesgos y las posibles plagas que pueden acechar asuexplotación ganadera.esta aplicación ofrece las posibles soluciones, calculo decostes,protocolos y modos deactuación para conseguir una explotación sana y rentable.Application that aimstoinform and assist pig producers toknow the risks and potential pests that can stalk your farm.This application offers possible solutions, calculation ofcosts,protocols and modesaction to achieve a healthy and profitable operation.